Vision & Mission
Our Vision
- Promote sustainable livelihood in aspect of Food, Economic and Environment security for all Timorese. Peoples.
- Promote local innovation and appropriate technology to for sustainable agriculture development.
- Protection and Conservation of Natural resources for food and agriculture.
- Promote and protect famers right as food producers.
Our Mission
- To empower farmers and other socially disadvantaged citizens, and their communities by enhancing their capacity to organize, undertake joint actions and access services necessary to improve their livelihoods
- To engage in research, advocacy and formulation of various policies and laws necessary for empowerment and improved livelihoods of the small holder farmers and other citizens;
- To forge alliances with various relevant networks and platforms to promote RAEBIA-TIMOR LESTE’s work and achieve its objectives.
- Play key roles as Policy and advocacy for promoting sustainable agriculture and Farmers right in the country
- Perform as Research Institution in the field of Agricultures, Forestry and Environment