About Us
Fundação BIAMALAI is the short name of an non-government organization where established on December 2022 by the founder members and registered at Ministry of justice on 27 December 2023. The long standing for BIAMALAI is” Better Initiatives for Agricultural Methods with Local Actions and Innovations”
The main backstopping ideas of founding this foundation will be focusing on Research, Training capacity building, Publication and Development for the area covered Agriculture, Land use management, Renewable Natural Resources Management, Ecological Restoration, Diversity of Genetic Resources , Forestry and Environment.
The main office is located in Capital City of Dili. Exactly at Fatucama Hill, Kristo Rei. Dili.Timor-Leste.
Fundação Biamalai Official Logo
Fundação Biamalai Governance Structure
The following is an organigram of the governance structure of Fundação Biamalai: